PHOTO GALLERYThis girl has attitude…positive and amazing. #thankyou @jogajana for being you and supporting a #positiveinitiative … wearing @annkm_ownit #beingpositive #beingyourself #fashion #friends #beinghappy
B-roll for fashion shoot AnnKM Fashion) on #rodeodrive … focus on the social impact fashion can have (when else can you wear a coffee bag on Rodeo Drive?). #fairness #awareness #accountability #fashion #sustainability #fun #overthetop #style
Catwalk wearing @annkm_ownit … a few individuals contributing to #socialimpact and positive messaging with fashion (and having fun). An#epiccatwalk on Santa Monica Beach. #fashion #catealk #socialresponsibility #annkm #fashionshow #doiningitdifferent
Taking a break during a #fashionshoot … #fashion #byanyothername is #expression …am so comfortable to #justbe and #justbeme … it makes life a lot easier. #happydays #photoshoot #fashion #rodeodrivebeverlyhills #rodeofashion @annkm_ownit
Future Für Coat
#AnnKM “Own The Room” coat as seen in @chaarmzmagazine - seen here with the annoying Bengal Cat (can climb designer clothing, pick embedded jewels out of any art structure, works well as a 5am alarm clock and is almost ready to be weaned from the dog). #bengalcat #animals #pets #fakefurcoat #fashion
Behind a cover shoot in a dress that emerged named “Rebirth”. Join me live on Instagram Wednesday Night at 7:00 #newbeginnings #beingyourself #fashion #style #covershoot #coverofmagazine #havingfun
This is not a picture .... it is attitude, love, collaboration, fashion, compassion, inquisition, confrontation and style... nope #notapicture
With @biddell capturing a moment during a #photoshoot #waitandsee #excitingthingstocome #attitude #fashion #style #compassion #gratitude
Fashion with a conscience ... I could not be more proud of @keatonkaplan and the launch of his #fashionline #@officialbustedkeaton Stay tuned ... coming soon to a store near you. #styleisyou #fashion #clothingbrand
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