Real Housewives of Toronto

Not just another housewife, Ann Kaplan Mulholland is one of the stars of The Real Housewives of Toronto. Being corporate herself, she embodies the “unhousewife-housewife” – displaying her humorous antics and lack of tolerance for the intolerable weekly on SpliceTv.

Aired Nationally on SliceTv


Host of a weekly national television show featuring surgical and non-surgical makeovers, industry experts and non-medical options for consumers.

Aired Nationally on Global Television

The Ultimate Makeover

Host of a weekly national television segment featuring the story of an individual and the impact of a non-surgical and/or surgical makeover on their life.

Aired Nationally on CHTV and Prime Television

Television Host: Global Television

Host of a weekly national television show featuring surgical and non-surgical options for anti-aging or cosmetic enhancement including real-life stories.

Aired Nationally on Global Television


Online weekly segments demonstrating a specific procedure, product or industry expert. Each show focuses on one element or procedure as an anti-aging, weight loss or cosmetic solution.

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