Tag: harassment at work

The Real Value of Virtual Company When You’re Sick

Candy’s dandy, and liquor’s quicker, but nothing’s as powerful as community when it comes to comforting someone enduring the personal issues surrounding a health crisis.   So says a wide-ranging piece of research coming out of a website established to provide just that to people staring down some crummy bit of news about their health or someone else’s. A full 91% of the more than 4,000 respondents to this...

Workplace bullying alive and well

Workplace bullying is a serious problem—as much as sexual harassment and racial discrimination—that has reached, in these times of economics-fueled stress, near epidemic proportions. In 1999, a report from the International Labour Organization named physical and emotional violence among the most serious issues the workplace faces. Varying sources cite prevalence rates as between one in five and one in three. And...