“Your face, my Thane, is as a book where men may read strange matters.” So said Lady Macbeth to her nervous husband on the eve of their planned regicide. And while the rest of us may not have king-murdering schemes written across our features, all of our faces are vast repositories of information about the personalities that lurk behind them. Personology is the science of reading faces, wherein a person’s...
Something there is about a list. Its orderly encapsulation of trailing bits of knowledge appeals to our inherent desire to categorize, to contain in neat packages the glut of the world’s information. If we can catalogue it, we can imagine it. To wit, the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People, a compilation recently published by an esoteric British publication called The Watkins Review, applies a sense of...
“In our daily lives,” said celebrated author Arthur Clarke, “we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy.” It’s a lesson the world could stand to learn, given the stark absence of gratitude that characterizes the professional landscape most of us occupy. According to a recent Gallup poll, a full 65% of people say they don’t feel appreciated at work. For the...
It’s Charlie Sheen’s world—the rest of us are just here to provide an audience. Spectator sports being what they are, commentary abounds about this dayglo-colourful character, smearing reams of newsprint ink and jamming up the airwaves. Everyone’s got something to say about his antics, most of it in the spirit of such outrage you’d think the guy was sharing tiger fluids with all of their daughters. But the truth is...
You know the days. Yesterday’s to-do list is still to be done, you forgot your egg salad on the kitchen counter back home and somebody left an open package of toner on the photocopier lid that you flipped onto your white-clad self. A day at the office, we are regularly reminded, ain’t no walk in the park. It’s moments like these that bring into sharp focus the eminent value of meditation. Long relieved of the...