Something there is about a list. Its orderly encapsulation of trailing bits of knowledge appeals to our inherent desire to categorize, to contain in neat packages the glut of the world’s information. If we can catalogue it, we can imagine it. To wit, the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People, a compilation recently published by an esoteric British publication called The Watkins Review, applies a sense of...
It’s a win-win-win. The consumer gets a new toy, its manufacturer gets a sale, an affiliated charity gets a shot to the arm. And those are just the tangibles. Cause-related marketing (CRM) isn’t a new idea. The first notable initiative on this front was likely an American Express campaign from the early 1980s that dedicated a portion of each purchase toward a program to restore the Statue of Liberty. Even earlier,...
There is an ancient Cree maxim that sums up blessedly the irrefutable connection that exists between the notion of sustainability and the notion of spirituality. “Only after the last tree has been cut down,” the adage opens, gravely, “only after the last fish has been caught, only after the last river has been poisoned, only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten.” It’s a sobering message, particularly...