There are many paths to spirituality. While some might find the solace they seek by adopting a map that travels the most conventional of routes, others discover their truest selves in a pottery class. Or between the pages of an Oprah magazine. Or at the mall. One of the coolest ways in is shamanism, an ancient pseudo-religious phenomenon that folks have been trying to explain for a couple of hundred years....
It is, depending on your point of view, solid science or utter bunk. Either way, it can’t hurt. It is prayer and, says a just-published study, more of us are giving it a whirl in pursuit of relief from what ails us than ever before. University of Massachusetts researchers, whose results are published this month in the journal Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, have found that more people are praying for their...
Something there is about a list. Its orderly encapsulation of trailing bits of knowledge appeals to our inherent desire to categorize, to contain in neat packages the glut of the world’s information. If we can catalogue it, we can imagine it. To wit, the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People, a compilation recently published by an esoteric British publication called The Watkins Review, applies a sense of...
The world right now seems shrouded in such incredible murk it’s a wonder any of us can put a foot in front of the other. Every new day, every new Anderson Cooper utterance, every new splash of 72-point newsprint ink brings fresh reason for despair. The aftershocks of a devastating earthquake on a pristine strip of humanity in the South Pacific. The ravings of a despot in northern Africa intent on taking a country...
Students attending business school in India these days are learning as much about balanced budgets as they are about balanced psyches. As tapped-in educators in this part of the world acknowledge the emerging importance of spirituality in the corporate landscape, the pursuit of individuality and competition is giving over to one inspired by teamwork, cooperation and even service. In turn, the curricula in India’s...