There is an ancient Cree maxim that sums up blessedly the irrefutable connection that exists between the notion of sustainability and the notion of spirituality. “Only after the last tree has been cut down,” the adage opens, gravely, “only after the last fish has been caught, only after the last river has been poisoned, only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten.” It’s a sobering message, particularly...
You know the days. Yesterday’s to-do list is still to be done, you forgot your egg salad on the kitchen counter back home and somebody left an open package of toner on the photocopier lid that you flipped onto your white-clad self. A day at the office, we are regularly reminded, ain’t no walk in the park. It’s moments like these that bring into sharp focus the eminent value of meditation. Long relieved of the...
Lead by example, they say. Find your successes in those of others. Learn from stuff someone else has already cycled through. Want to introduce the concept of spirituality to your workplace? Find a company that’s pulled it off and steal the moves from its playbook. Meet Telus. This massive telecommunications firm takes it employees’ spiritual health so seriously that Telus House Toronto, the downtown office that...
Mention the concept of spirituality around the office and take cover. In that order. So on guard is the average corporate soul against even a whiff of religious partisanship in the workplace that his knee-jerk response is defensive, suspect—even offended. Instinctively, he races to preserve the individual sanctity of church and state, armed for battle before one has even been declared. Hold on. Spirituality is a...