When people talk about anti-ageing, they mean they want to combat the ageing process. Who would have thought that the term “anti-ageing” would become controversial, as if we are against people that are elderly, wrinkled or show even a remote sign of loose dermis?
It is, at last, the season of the bathing suit north of the border, where months come upon us in hues dictated far in advance by fashion magazines, and where we are forced to expose our dermis during the warmer months or end up baring our souls to the public assumption that we are hiding something (or are from the west coast where it actually never warms up).
The truth is, over the past ten years there has been a paradigm shift to what we consider an aged person. Anti-aging isn’t about being ‘against’ the ageing process, it is about slowing down the process. After all, with all of the procedures, creams, injections and life style choices that we are now aware of, we do not have an excuse to age rapidly. We should lighten up on the definition and just look for what applies to us individually and where our comfort level and goals are.
Look where we are, we actually do care about how we look, and it is not unusual or unique to admit it. If you think people don’t care, then walk down to the nearest department store and look at what is on the shelves as you walk in the door, it ain’t cans of spinach. Right there, in the entrance level of stores worldwide, are fragrances, make up, and creams that will give us the feeling, the illusion that we can in fact slightly alter our appearance, combat our genetics and skin dilapidating history to appear somewhat more refreshed and get back that little glow that we somehow believe is bottled somewhere. Retailers eat up the ageing and beauty process, and we feed right into it.
It isn’t that we shouldn’t invest in make up or creams. or that retail experience that we have coveted and sometimes regretted is not worth the dent in our pocket books, it’s that we need to change our thinking if we are going to actually battle the ageing process. It’s not that there is no solution. it is that the solution is not that simple; it does not come in one bottle.
So, before we waste our limited energy on arguing to keep our old ways, defy change or donate our oxygen toward ridiculous arguments about anti-ageing or the meaning of, we should throw in the towel and join the ranks of those that are actually doing something about it; they are well ahead of the curve and have a regime and attitude that is based on realism and knowledge.
Whatever your age, there are a few things you can do to slow down the process:
1) Budget. Just like you purchase shoes, clothes, etc., decide that you will spend a little more on your physical self than on your wardrobe (unless you have ‘egads’ of dollars). Consider this an investment, after all, if the shoe fits, it isn’t going to look good on a wrinkled hairy leg.
2) Start with the skin. A wrinkle or two is not bad, after all. it is part of the process, but if there is any area that is extremely creviced or does bother you, consider Botox, or any hyaluronic acid filler that will literally erase years. Book a meeting with a reputable physician.
3) Check for brown spots, and don’t forget the hands. Brown spots brought on by ageing or sun damage can be treated, usually best with new technology than with the majority of the creams offered over the counter. Some spots caused by things like Melasma are very common, often brought on by hormonal changes, and are very difficult to treat; however, there are treatments out there like Fraxel, that have been proven to minimize or even eliminate spots. Intense pulsed light can treat sun damage and works beautifully; it can cost a small fortune but is well worth the investment. I would caution that these treatments are best on certain skin types; seeking consultation before treatment by a reputable physician is strongly advised.
4) Look at your make up. If you are caking make up on to cover dark circles, you are actually only going to achieve a caking wrinkled look under your eyes. Treat the problem, don’t cover it. Check your colors as well, the darker red you use, the older you will look; unless you have youthful, porcelain skin, a more natural palette of colors will help you look younger.
5) Hair … can’t say enough about removing facial hair. This is not about anti-ageing; this is about creating a gestalt that is actually acceptable to viewers. Don’t do it for you, do it for those that look at you.