Lifestyle Blog

By Ann Kaplan Mulholland

“Just because I study spirituality-because I talk about it-that does not mean I am a good person, but it doesn't mean I am not either.”

Virtually divine

Spirituality and technology, once mortal enemies fiercely guarding their own unique share of our earthly existence, may not be such strange bedfellows after all. It’s not that you can have the a guru by email…but it certainly does provide access different options and opportunities. Both forces, perhaps accepting the inevitable and tenacious presence of the…

Silent night, quiet, I can’t hear me.

“Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
” advised the anonymous soul who penned the transcendent Desiderata, “and remember what peace there may be in silence.” Indeed. Certainly it’s hard to stay connected to that home truth, however, inside the furious hubbub of a modern day, but it’s worth the effort. The power of silence is…

Workplace bullying alive and well

Workplace bullying is a serious problem—as much as sexual harassment and racial discrimination—that has reached, in these times of economics-fueled stress, near epidemic proportions. In 1999, a report from the International Labour Organization named physical and emotional violence among the most serious issues the workplace faces. Varying sources cite prevalence rates as between one in…

Meditating on the job

You know the days. Yesterday’s to-do list is still to be done, you forgot your egg salad on the kitchen counter back home and somebody left an open package of toner on the photocopier lid that you flipped onto your white-clad self. A day at the office, we are regularly reminded, ain’t no walk in…

How one company gets it

Lead by example, they say. Find your successes in those of others. Learn from stuff someone else has already cycled through. Want to introduce the concept of spirituality to your workplace? Find a company that’s pulled it off and steal the moves from its playbook. Meet Telus. This massive telecommunications firm takes it employees’ spiritual…