After giving birth to daughter North, Kim Kardashian sought to blast the stretch marks with which the prenatal experience had scarred her with a few kisses from a laser wand. Thanks in large part to the celebrity’s choice to broadcast the procedure on her weekly reality show, the world got a firsthand look at the…
Concerns about secondary facelifts not being as effective as primary ones can be put to rest thanks to the results of a new study. The research, published in a recent issue of medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, confirms that taking another pass over the same territory will produce the same lasting results and low…
Ideally, plastic surgery does not exist in a vacuum and is, instead, well buffered in the Company of other medical specialties. Like dermatology, by blending state-of-the-art treatments in different disciplines, the combination procedures results in a single treatment that on its own never could. Dermatologists pick up where plastic surgeons leave off. While the latter…
At one time your choices for cosmetic enhancement were found on a drug store shelf. We had not passed the threshold of believing a laser could actually do anything but zap us into smoldering particles and the thought of doing anything to minimize the signs of ageing were limited to surgical. But in this age…
Technical advancements in the cosmetic surgery field have progressed to such a finely tuned point that the near-perfect results they produce have become, ironically, the subject of fervent criticism in South Korea. In this country, where citizens have more plastic surgery than in any other in the world, surgeons’ efforts to tweak the natural assets…